Micah 6:6-8

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOD is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously."

Saturday, July 12, 2008

One week ago, lots of pictures to share.

We had Natalie's two year birthday party a week ago today. It has taken a while to get to this blog because my family was here and we were soaking up spending time with them. Our camera memory card was quickly full at the party, so we have to thank Auntie Heather for the majority of these pictures. Chris made the Strawberry Shortcake, I was very impressed with his talent.

This is my favorite picture of him, this is of Chris making all the cupcakes and cakes Friday morning.

We had Natalie's party at a local park next to the playground. It provided simple entertainment for the kids and enough shade for the rest of us not to melt. Natalie got more presents than any child should. About three quarters of the way through, Natalie declared she was done opening presents and wanted to slide. Here are a few pics of her opening presents, she put on this new bathing suit and shook her shoulders, it concerned all of us a bit.

Uncle DJ and Aunt Sarah got her an awesome medical kit complete with a picture book they made of Uncle DJ in his Dr. scrubs taking care of our grandparents and parents. We love this book and Natalie has been taking all of our blood pressures all week. She is really enjoying it. We have learned though that Natalie can look in Mocha's ears, she cannot wrap something around her paw and check her "pessure".

Papaw and KK got her a bike, so once this came out she wanted to only ride it. Of course we have a helmet for her big head, this is the outfit every mom dreams of for her kids party...

Thanks to Aunt Jo, this is Natalie's original outfit for the party...

And, in Natalie like fashion, she had to leave her helmet on to blow out her candles, fire can be quite dangerous. :-)

It was a very fun day. At the risk of way too many pictures, I'm going to also include the pics from Natalie's hair cut last week. We went to this awesome place called Sharky's for kids that let her sit in a Barbie car, watch Elmo and cut her hair in less then five minutes. When Chris realized they had an Xbox and cut adults hair he decided he'll be going there too.

This pic is of us with my parents at Marineland. It was wonderful to spend a week with them. With this view, don't you all want to come visit us for vacation?

Natalie reflecting on her party.


Sarah Hall said...

Holy Cow, she looks so old!!! We can't wait to see her next month!

Frank said...

Chris gets his cake decorating honestly. Though I didn't know he had it in him. I am looking forward to seeing Karen with all of her 18+ grandchildren's names on her arms.


Anonymous said...

2 years old??? How is that possible?!?! sigh.
she's adorable and I love the pictures--if only I could squeeze her in person. Kudos to your husband for his artistic masterpiece!!
love you!

MommyH said...

Wow! Natalie is so old. It's hard to believe. She's adorable...that's not hard to believe. We miss you guys and it would be great to plan a little vacation to Florida sometime :) Love you all,

The Hendersons said...

natalie was too funny this day. looking forward to emma showing off her outfits this way :) oh, blog help please - how do i insert images to my post?