Micah 6:6-8

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOD is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously."

Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Micah!!!

Dear Micah,

How do I even begin to describe this year of your life? You have brought us so much joy, laughter, personality, and terror; all packaged in your now three year old body.

There is no way to ever describe to you what you went through in February and how very sick you were. At the same time, I don't think you will ever fully comprehend how quickly you got better. I remember so much of it with scary details, but today, I want to share a couple of funnier ones. Once you started to feel better, the nurse asked you what your favorite cereal was so she could bring it to you. Your response? "Fiber One." Which is true; however, she had to tell you they don't carry it on the Peds floor. Later, the doctor was trying to find something you would drink, you asked for a "mixed drink." We knew you meant from the many flavor machine at Moes~ we just had to explain that to the doctor.

You have so many favorites this year. Fried Chicken, Okra, M&M's, and Goldfish. You eat Fiber One for breakfast every morning. I'm sure we could pay for your college if you did a commercial for them.

Your favorite TV shows are Fresh Beat Band, Curious George, Scooby Doo, and Veggie Tales. Your favorite book right now is Goodnight Gorilla. You love to carry around small board books and "read" them to us. You can point out any letter in the alphabet and say them correctly. You love music and all things Thomas the Train. You also love to play on the IPad and IPhone. If we didn't have it password protected, you could download apps and songs by yourself.

You also love music. You play guitar, drums, and dance so much. You often call yourself, "Rat a tat tat" when playing the drums.

You still love NaTAlie, which is how you say her name. Somehow the TA part is always enunciated when you say it. You also love "my friends Heidi, Steven, and Shelby" and talk about them often.

You prefer to wear your ball caps backwards and love your orange hat the most. Your favorite color is green. You love to play any type of sport and really love putting together puzzles.

You talk so very much, all the time. You are extremely literal. Last Sunday, we were crossing the parking lot at church together. We were practicing looking both ways and watching for cars. You declared, "no cars" and started walking. I asked, "Micah, what would you have done if there had been a car coming." You stopped and said, "uh, bumped my head?" Obviously we need to work on that a bit more.

You have also become more shy, just in the last month. You no longer want to go in the church nursery and have been sitting through the whole service with me. You are a little more weary of new people and look around me to see them. But, your teachers at school tell us that you are very helpful and often take care of your friends.

You are quite simply a very gifted and spirited little boy. My prayer for you is to love God and love others; to show kindness like you do today. I hope you keep having geniune concern for someone who is hurt. I also hope you continue to see choices like God, love and goodness as black and white as you do now.

Micah Man, may you always know that God created you for a purpose, carries you through situations for His reasons, and knows your capabilities and limitations because He made them and you.

We love you my sweet, sweet, boy.

Forever, for always, no matter what.

Mommy and Daddy

Sunday, August 05, 2012


I sat in the rocking chair last night feeling so very blessed. We attended family camp this week in Blowing Rock, NC. One of the most beautiful places on earth.

Sitting on the front porch, I took survey of those around me. We were laughing at our kids and at each other. As I watched my kids run up and down the hill I found myself thinking of other things I've seen sitting on that same porch.

Somewhere around thirteen or fourteen, sitting with my teenage friends playing "talk show".

I remember sitting on the banister next to one of my many crushes up on that mountain.

I can recall conversations with several pastors and youth pastors who have been such encouragers to me in my journey. I looked to my left and could see the wood beams that I sat and poured my heart out to a long time pastor. I told him I felt very called to a life of ministry. He listened, prayed, and encouraged me. This week, he is here for family camp and his daughter is directing the whole thing.

Then there was the conversation that led to a mission trip to Sweden when I was seventeen. Or the conversation regarding my choice of majors in college.

My mind quickly spun to another conversation. I was a little older, about nineteen. Sitting on that same porch talking to another associate pastor. We talked until three in the morning. I left the porch that night so grateful for a good, Godly, friend. How could I have known that several years later, I would marry that boy?

There I sat last night, among old and new friends. It was one of the rare moments in life where it all comes together, for just a moment, and it seems right.

Up there, on that mountain, surrounded by family, by friends, and most of all, by the presence of God. He never leaves me when I leave the mountain, but somehow I always hear Him more clearly there. Maybe it's the time out from daily life. Maybe it's the beauty. Maybe it's simply that God chooses to do so. Last night, I soaked it all up and was so grateful for the moment.

All too quickly, my children had a melt down because it was entirely too late for them to be awake. We had to put them bed. We then stayed up talking to these life long friends. Today we packed it all up and headed back down the mountain. About half way down, both of our phones started. Voicemails and text messages that we hadn't received yet, because we had no signal. As we drove home and talked about the demands of this weekend, I found myself wishing to be back.

That's when I remind myself that it always comes with me. Those decisions I made up there have been life changing, because they are led by God. I am in a life of ministry. I do continue to want to serve God by loving Him and loving others. I married my biggest crush. And, now, my kids have been introduced to this amazing place. They love it already.

Not far down the road Natalie said, "mommy I love you.". I said, "I love you too.". Natalie said, "daddy I love you." Chris said, "I love you too.". Natalie then says, "Micah I love you." To which Micah replies, "ah? You do?"

Praying that in the mountains, in the valleys, when things seem right, and when things seem wrong, we will hear God telling us He loves us. He always has and He always will.