Micah 6:6-8

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOD is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously."

Saturday, July 26, 2008


As you can tell I've slacked on the blog since going to work full time. I'm hoping to get better when we get into a good routine. It's been a hard transition, but I think I'm going to like this job.

This is just a quick note to show you our new friend. Last year when our neighbors were setting off fireworks, Mocha got scared and literally jumped through our screen door. We keep saying we're going to get a new screen, but first we want a doggie door. If we don't have a door the screen will be gone the next time there is a loud noise outside. We'll needless to say, one year later we don't have a screen or a doggie door, (motivation number 51 for me going back to work), hopefully we'll get this in the next few months.

All this to say that our nightly ritual is for Lexi to sit outside for hours waiting for a possum to walk across the fence. She barks so loud it's amazing, we go out, chase her around the yard wondering why we've never trained her, we finally catch her and bring her inside.


Last night she starts barking, I step out onto the porch to fuss at her. I'm almost to the not screen door when something moves on the treadmill. I look over and see a cute little baby possum curled up on the cover for the treadmill. Now, she's cute, but I know she'd bite my hand off. Suddenly, I have an immense fear that I'm now standing between baby and her momma, and I know her momma is big. As Chris is coming out the door, I managed to get across the porch in one solid jump and get back inside. He didn't know what I was running from, but thought it was so funny that he almost didn't let me in. I think it was the panic in my eyes that made him rethink that. He went around to get Lexi and at our last check before we went to bed last night our little friend was curled up sound asleep on our treadmill. Who said possums sleep upside down?

I think we'll be getting a screen and lock for our doggie door very, very soon.


Anonymous said...

Baby possum better get in line to use that treadmill - we have a marathon to train for, ok?!?!


Mommy of 2 said...


Hello this is Janese, Rachel's sister-in-law. I have you linked you to my blog if you would like to check it out. I check yours often. My blog address is jrobberts.blogspot.com. Talk with you later. Good luck with your new job.


Allison said...

I'll never mindlessly go out to walk on it at 6 am again...here's to the marathon... :-)

Anonymous said...

one of my hospice patients found one and bottle fed it. seriously. kind of creepy but then for some reason they become oddly cute. I've had baby possum crawling all over me. ;)

Maybe that will be the next Hall family pet. :)
love you!