Dear Miss Beth,
My Mommy told me that you were going to see the doctor this week.I wanted to tell you that Mommy, Daddy, and me are praying very hard for you. I also wanted to ask all the people reading this to pray for Miss Beth too. She was my day care teacher in Villisca and one of my Mommy's best friends there. My mommy still gets sad dropping me off at day care here. They take really good care of me, but you will always be her favorite...( and mine too Miss Beth.) My mommy said you have colon cancer, but that God is much, much, bigger then colon cancer. Mommy said that Miss Beth is going to the cancer treatment center in Chicago this week, so everybody please pray that she will be healed in such a way that everyone present will know God healed her. God already has you Miss Beth, I'm praying you see Him very clearly today. We all love you very, very, much.
praying for miss beth...
and for you.
love you.
Dear Miss Beth,
We are praying for you too. Our family has been praying since we first heard. We will continue.
Natalie's KK
Much good news! They believe they have removed all the cancer, however I will be doing colon surgery in the near future. I want to Thank everyone for all the prayers-I know God is good. Please pray the surgery will turn out well too.
Funny, I know God and I understand death but I was still scared about the whole situation. Does this mean my walk with God is not waht it should be? I don't know! But I have stopped to tale a good look at my life and to make some needed changes.
Again, Thank you! And to Allison, Chris and beautiful little Natalie-Love ya guys!
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