Micah 6:6-8

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOD is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously."

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Why I love being pregnant.

Things people have said to me:

"Wow you are so big!"

"Are you sure you are due so soon? You are so little."

"Oh, the way you are carrying that baby, it must be a boy."

"Oh, the way you are carrying that baby, it must be a girl."

"I would double check the doctor, because that's a girl."

"Just make the doctor check your cervix, that will send you into labor."

"You sure have dropped. You'll have that baby any time now."

"You haven't dropped at all, I bet it will be a while."

"You are probably wondering when you will get your chance."

(After two of the three of us preggo folks delivered this past week)

"Well, I guess we know your next."

"Are you sure your eating enough?"

"You look really tired."

"You look so great!"

The above is just what I can remember from my conversations with others in the two and a half hour span of church for me this morning.

For the record, assuming that Micah is a boy and the doctors are not wrong, I have carried my two babies of two different sexes the exact same way.

It's time to give up the idea that we can predict sex this way.

Again, assuming, Micah, is in fact, a boy.

And yes, since two out of three of us have had our babies, (and I am not due yet) I'm hoping I'm next, or someone else has kept a very big secret.



Unknown said...

During the last couple of weeks of both pregnancies, I seriously wanted a shirt that just said NO.

NO I haven't had the baby yet.
NO You may not touch my belly.
NO I will not do this natural.
NO I am NOT overdue.

That would have saved me from silly conversations that used up the limited amount of oxygen I was able to get into my squished up lungs.


Getting close now....

Heather said...

Amy beat me too it...I was going to ask if you've had that baby yet...but I can still ask:
Are you excited?

B/c I'm sure you're not.