Micah 6:6-8

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOD is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously."

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Duck Saga-Part-The End

Who knew ducks could cry? I knew momma's could, so I guess it makes sense that momma duck could cry too. Finally, much to our sadness, Chris took the remainder of Momma Duck's eggs down to the retention pond. There were eight left and none of the eggs have ever hatched. A few have just randomly disappeared one at a time. Momma Duck rarely left the eggs so we had to wait for a moment that we were able and she was gone. That moment came last Saturday. Chris was cleaning the garage and realized she had left. So he moved the eggs and filled the hole. A while later, I left to go to the store. That's when I heard her. She was in front of our bushes with a soft little moan. It broke my heart. I told her I was sorry. I told her it happens sometimes. I still can't believe I talk to this duck. I didn't quite realize the household member she had become. I've look at the empty space every morning and every night to check on her when I'm at the door. Natalie says every time we go in and out, momma duck is gone and she is sad. Our friends have commented that she isn't there anymore to greet them with a hiss. I think the only one not missing her is the UPS guy and salesman. She was more of a house guard then our dogs are. We didn't get any salespeople at our door while she sat there. But alas, sometimes life doesn't go as planned. Hopefully Momma Duck is surrounded by her little duck friends right now. So, this is the end of our duck story. Let's hope she lays eggs somewhere else next year. :-)

1 comment:

Heather said...

I was just thinking about Mama Duck yesterday and told Alice I needed to find out what happened. It almost makes me cry to think about her crying. How sad. Maybe she can become Angelina Jolie Duck and adopt all the foundling ducklings.