For a birthday supper, we had Minnie Mouse pancakes (well she and daddy had pancakes, my blood sugar went up just watching them.) Something about this picture makes me realize how grown up she really is:
Natalie helped me make cupcakes for her day care class to eat on her birthday. She is big enough to actually help, which made it fun for both of us. She can now crack an egg in the bowl and not drop any shell. I still don't do that well.
We went in with some other family members and bought a swing set for her this year. Chris and several friends spent all day Thursday putting this bad boy together. She LOVES it. We wanted to show it to her on Friday, the day of her party. We managed to keep her from seeing it all night Thursday night. Then, before we had cameras ready, Natalie sees it Friday morning and says, "look Mommy a new slide."
Her party was Friday afternoon. Chris made the Minnie Mouse cake. He did awesome. (this time my blood sugar went up because I had a tiny piece, I couldn't resist after smelling it all day.) :-) It was so delicious.
Natalie had a great time with friends. The highlight? KK and Papaw surprised all of us and drove here from WV. They arrived about on hour before the party. It was so much fun.
So as a repeat of last year: I love you baby big girl. Here are a few things that make you who you are at three:
1. Why? We have entered the world of why? You usually ask me endless why's despite all of my answers, you have more whys. When Daddy answers you, your response is usually, "oh."
2. You are more assertive and independent now then ever. And you've always been both.
3. I keep telling people that I think you've lost your ability to hear. You are now of the opinion if you pretend you don't hear us, then you don't have to listen. I think we are all learning more about grace and mercy at this point.
4. You LOVE to color. You are staying in the lines most of the time. You can trace your name and really love having us color with you.
5. You can "read" a lot of your letters. You know how to spell your name and can count to 20. (you skip number 17 occasionally). You can also count to ten in Spanish. When I asked who taught you that, you said, "Dora."
6. Speaking of Dora, you haven't watched her as much lately. You have turned into quite the Max and Ruby fan.
7. You are still a Daddy's girl.
8. You and Mocha are almost inseparable these days.
9. You are very excited for the new baby. I was still wavering on what his name would be. We kept debating Micah, Caiden, something else. Then, you came home from VBS with a picture you made of a boat. Micah was written on the boat because you asked for it to be. I asked you if we could name the baby Caiden instead of Micah. You laughed for a long time and said, "no mommy, that's silly, Micah can't turn into Caiden." So, Micah, whenever you are reading this, Natalie really finalized what your name would be.
10. You are sweet, kind, and usually nice. You act much older then three and everyone is shocked when they hear your age.
11. You tell us God lives in your heart. You also tell me He doesn't have a mouth to talk. Our daily prayer, is that one day, your little ears will hear his voice for the first time and you'll spend all of your life in awe of who He is and captured by His love.
12. Know I have treasured each day with you. Even when we have been rushed, busy, and running, I still love you. Even when you throw yourself down on the floor in a scream, I walk away because I love you. Even when you throw yourself in my arms with a big hug and kiss, I love you. Even when you tell everyone no at church and act like a crazy kid, I love you. Even when you are nice and smile and say thank you, I love you. Even when you mark on the walls, I love you. Even when you color perfectly in the lines on a page, I love you. Even when you are at your worst, I love you. Even when you are at your best, I love you. Never will there be a moment of your life that I don't love you.
13. I told you this morning on the way to church: "Natalie, I like you." You laughed and said, "Mommy, you are so weird."
14. Even when you think I'm weird, I love you.
What a wonderful birthday party, cake, swing set and most of all our darling 3 year old granddaughter. Glad we could surprise you,
i need a tissue. our girls are growing up too fast!
Happy Birthday sweet Natalie! I wish we could see you more often.
Jeff, Melonie, and Adaline
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