Micah 6:6-8

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOD is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously."

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

You must pay, you must pay not, you must pay, you must pay not...

Our tax journey started mid March at H&R block. It is continuing today with an extension. Our plea for more time. Originally it looked like we were getting a refund. Then the nice lady at H&R admitted she didn't know what she was doing. This clergy tax self employed thing was too much for her to handle. But, she was going to talk with Lisa. Lisa reworked our numbers and suddenly we owed a lot of money to the government and to H & R block. We said no, well, we said no to H & R block. We picked up our info a week and half later and cried to Monica. Monica is my hero, she is chair of our church finance committee and refuses to be intimidated by the IRS. She and Chris have worked on these taxes. With all of deductions, both from being self employed, and standard, we have a low taxable income. This sounds good, but it is not. There is a self employment tax we must pay and last year, we didn't pay enough. So even though it looks like we are dirt poor, (in reality, just regular lower middle class with a lot of deductions) we still have to pay Uncle George. Why the extension? Well, Monica is working hard for us. Maybe George will pay us back in the long run. If not, we'll just use our stimulus check to reimburse our taxes. Too bad ours won't be used to stimulate the economy, it will just refund our savings. This being an adult thing, it's not all that great. I convinced myself when I was kid that Uncle George would be nice to me. He is not. Now, I'm even more afraid of Uncle Democrat. He may make me pay even more. And that is simply just not right. Uncle Republican scares me too because I'm pretty sure if the rich paid more taxes, I wouldn't have to pay. I'm also pretty sure that as long as they are rich, the Republicans will be their puppets. What to do? What to do? Give to Uncle George what is Uncle George's, give to God what is God's, and toast Chris with our glass of water while we eat Spaghettio's. Interestingly enough, a bowl of them is a bowl full of zero's.

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