Micah 6:6-8

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOD is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously."

Monday, October 08, 2007

what if?

What if nothing we are thinking right now is new? What if we are having the exact same arguments in the church today that they had a generation ago? What if people came to America because they wanted the right to worship as they chose? What if ancient philosphers wrote on paper because blogger was not yet available? What if the disciples caused a shake up everywhere they went? What if the early church fought about eating, songs, and money? Have we seriously in 2000 plus years not gotten anywhere? I would dare say that no generation set out to be fake. They probably didn't start out to judge and exclude. Yet, each new generation seeks to break out of the mold of the church and start something new. My question is then, is it...new? I talk to people now who are as opposed to hymns as some people are to choruses. Isn't that just as bad? Others who cannot fathom why someone would not like something they love. Do they have to? I mean where in the world do we come up with the idea that we should all believe the same and like the same and anyone who opposes us is wrong? One of my favorite quotes from women of faith says, "I should think that if we agree on everything, one of us is unnecessary." Unity by it's necissity would imply we don't agree on everything. Jesus prayed we would be one...I believe he meant one body. All important. All working toward the goal. All doing it differently because the eye and the ear will never do things the same. They always filter information differently. They will respond differently. Our goal is to love God, love others, and make disciples. The eye can worship through color and the written word, and the vastness of the world. The ear can not do any of these things. The ear can worship through the spoken word, music, and the vastness of noise and silence. Both can be and are connected to the head but are not the same. What if we acted like one body? What if for the first time in 2,000 years we really were unified? What if we celebrated our differneces and walked in unity? What if stopped being shocked by non christians acting like non christians? What if our big unified body grabbed them by the hand and walked with those people for while...just walking them towards God? What would God allow us to be a part of then? You know, then, when we are actually loving Him because we are loving others because we are walking them to Him. What if then?


Anonymous said...

i. love. you.

Somehow I took all those nights we were roommates for granted. I miss our talks but I'm thankful at least, for this.
Is it new...the thinking, dreaming, writing, talking?? Maybe not to the world or even to the body as a whole, but it's new--this passion stirring deep in my heart--to me. And there are moments when it almost takes my breath away...that's new too. I'm hoping it changes my life; this Spirit inside of me, that knows no boundaries-only big, wild, redemptive love.
But still I wish you were close so we could talk and dream about these old things with new passion, together.
love you girl.

Anonymous said...

OK.......I repent. Sunday wasn't so bad afterall with nothing but old fashioned hymns. To my surprise I worshipped my God with the songs of old. The rythm may be different, the words may be different (and sometimes I may be lost to the meaning of them), the sound may be different but the message is the same. Our God is the same. And lets face it....at one point those songs were considered contemporary.?! -Laura

Anonymous said...

Amen sister. I totally think these things often, especially these days.

p.s. Thanks for the support - although if she visits, Megan might make fun of your hair too! I think a trip to the beach would be lovely...

Anonymous said...

There's nothing new under the sun. These are just new experiences to us on personal levels. To the what if we acted as one body in unity-well, maybe Christ could come back sooner.

MsNatrL said...

Isn't it just sick how effective dissention is? We have Amazing Love as a weapon - Let's use it more often.