Micah 6:6-8

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOD is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Missing Somer

I'm sure that most of you have heard this on the news, but it never hurts to see her picture one more time. I don't have many blog followers, but you are all spread throughout the country so I just thought I'd share this with you. EVERY missing child story makes me pause as I pray for the family and that the child will be found. This one just hits really close to home, because, well, it is here, at home. When the police announced they were expanding the search and questioning sex offenders in a five mile radius, I realized our home is in that circle. We've all been looking for her since Monday evening. Yesterday we were stopped at a light and given a flyer with Somer's picture and info. Chris and I had our first conversation with Natalie about missing children and mean people. I'm crying as I type this. Why is it seriously not safe to allow our kids to walk home from school? Anyways, my mom asked me this morning how we talk about it with Natalie without scaring her. My response? I'm not opposed to scaring her. I don't know if that is right or wrong and when I finish this I'm looking up advice, but a little fear may protect her. Apparently, fear is what helped another little girl in the same neighborhood, ten days ago when a car full of strangers approached her. Fortunately a good Samaritan with courage intervened and that little girl is safe. I pray for a good Samaritan for Somer. I pray that she is found safe. Selfishly, I pray that my family will never face such a nightmare. I pray that the worst thing Natalie survives is a Mom who scared her a little more then necessary. Please join us in our prayers and looking about for Somer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is more scary to me that she not be prepared. She knows she is safe with you. Letting her know not all poeple are nice is a gift. For my kids I told them if they ever can't find us in a store go to the people who take our money and refuse to go anywhere else. Keep praying I can not imagine tucking my children at night with one gone. This would be a waking nightmare. I hope her family can find a way to Gods peace in a world that offers none.
You have a beautiful family. Chris and I went to App. Back when he was C'Hall. It has been great to see him blessed with such a wonderful family. Way back then he made us teach him how to braid hair so he would be able to do his little girls hair. I am glad he has been blessed with you and your little ones.