Micah 6:6-8

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOD is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously."

Friday, October 30, 2009


Some Halloween pics from the fall festival at church. We'll be going Trunk or Treating tonight!!!

Here is my lion...

Supergirl!!! She is soooo very related to her Dad and Uncle DJ. She told me she wanted to be supergirl because she is strong and beautiful. :-)

Emma made the cutest pumpkin!
Avery as a Peacock, she was adorable. She's not sure what her daddy is doing though. lol
Then Natalie and Daddy.

Finally, Micah with Heidi. She is a couple weeks older then him. She was a super cute zebra and for a while, Micah wouldn't stop staring at her. There is a picture of all four new babies in the church and when I get a copy, I'll post it too. They are already growing too fast for me.
Happy Halloween!

family and bff's

Here is Natalie with her cousin Justin. They were quite the pair this trip to WV.
Then we have Natalie and Micah with three of their four great grandparents. We will be going to see Chris' grandmama at Thanksgiving. Here they are with "Great Nanny."

Then with "PaPaw Orville and Mammaw Chip"
And, the ultimate act of love, Scott and Laura watched the three girls so their parents could go to Bible Study together. They are brave and wonderful. These girls love each other and fight all in the same minute. Isn't that what all good girl BFF's do?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A quick video

Here is some video that I took on my cell phone, Uncle DJ you rock! (He gave me this phone.) Anyways, I took this video in Micah's happiest place on earth, the changing pad. He is turning into quite the "talker." Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Missing Somer

I'm sure that most of you have heard this on the news, but it never hurts to see her picture one more time. I don't have many blog followers, but you are all spread throughout the country so I just thought I'd share this with you. EVERY missing child story makes me pause as I pray for the family and that the child will be found. This one just hits really close to home, because, well, it is here, at home. When the police announced they were expanding the search and questioning sex offenders in a five mile radius, I realized our home is in that circle. We've all been looking for her since Monday evening. Yesterday we were stopped at a light and given a flyer with Somer's picture and info. Chris and I had our first conversation with Natalie about missing children and mean people. I'm crying as I type this. Why is it seriously not safe to allow our kids to walk home from school? Anyways, my mom asked me this morning how we talk about it with Natalie without scaring her. My response? I'm not opposed to scaring her. I don't know if that is right or wrong and when I finish this I'm looking up advice, but a little fear may protect her. Apparently, fear is what helped another little girl in the same neighborhood, ten days ago when a car full of strangers approached her. Fortunately a good Samaritan with courage intervened and that little girl is safe. I pray for a good Samaritan for Somer. I pray that she is found safe. Selfishly, I pray that my family will never face such a nightmare. I pray that the worst thing Natalie survives is a Mom who scared her a little more then necessary. Please join us in our prayers and looking about for Somer.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Last week

We had a wonderful trip last week. It's always fun to see family and friends. This is just a brief blog to include a link to Natalie and Micah's first professional pictures. It was quite the ordeal. If Natalie was happy, Micah was not. If he was okay, then she wouldn't sit still. There are a bunch of pictures, mostly because Micah decided to eat during his photo session so the photographer just followed Natalie around the different props and took her picture. There are some great shots. Here is the link: http://www.associatedphotography.ifp3.com/ Just click on gallery and Hall babes. Some of our pictures to follow soon.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

First trip.

We are getting ready for a much needed trip to NC and WV. I'm very excited to introduce Micah to more family and friends. Natalie is super excited too. She's been counting down the days to the trip. Micah is still a great baby and we are most thankful.

God has been doing some super cool things here with our friends. To the BLT: I am loving this Bible study, thanks for being so open to God's leading.

Here are some pictures of our little family. Hopefully, we'll see you soon! :-)

How quickly we go from this:

to this: (Micah weighed 10 lbs 15 oz last Friday.)

This is what earning 20 stickers looks like, we've had several nights of Natalie sleeping now! YAHOO!