Up at 6:30
Start to get ready
Help Chris get Natalie ready
All of us are trying to get ready
Leave at 8:20 to see my first patient.
Stop at Sam's to get gas in car.
Stop at Blockbuster to drop off movies.
9:10See my first patient.
10:00Leave his home and go straight to next patients house, they have a med contract, lots of issues.
11:10 Leave this house onto next house with med contract, more issues.
12:15 Leave and drive to team meeting, scarf down lunch on the way, call my doctor back on the way, call Chris and remind him to make several other calls.
12:37 Stop for chocolate.
1:00 Team meeting
4:00 Team is finally over and I have a patient to get admitted to a nursing home, plus two new admissions, plus get coverage scheduled for tomorrow because I'll be meetings all day, plus complete my paperwork from last two days because it's just that kind of week.
6:30 Finish the above the tasks.
6:40 Drive through Wendy's, inhale a burger.
6:55 Finish my fries as I walk up to church.
6:59 Realize there is no teacher for a class.
7:00 Tag team the 6-8 yr olds with Paul.
7:05 Convince a kid to go to the right class.
7:10 Have kids hanging on me.
7:15 Play streets and alleys.
7:25 Play duck, duck, goose.
7:40 Play tag.
8:05 Find Natalie and Chris. First time I've seen Natalie since this morning.
8:15 Drive Natalie and me home.
8:45 Feed my child who is ALWAYS hungry.
9:00 Get Natalie ready for bed.
9:40 Walk out of her room.
9:50 Laugh at Emily as she comes to the house to run on the treadmill.
10:20 Go to bed.
10:40 Pass out asleep.
6:50 out of bed
Out the door at 8:00
Starbucks at 8:45
9:00 Meeting
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Meeting
5:45 on my way home
Make two bereavement calls on the way. And listen to 44 voicemails from last two days.
6:20 Get home and start making cornbread salad for tonight.
6:23 Knock on my door, three kids selling cookie dough, my purchase involved a thorough search for my wallet. Kids want to come in and pet dogs.
6:40 Kids leave, I finish cornbread salad.
6:45 Change clothes.
7:00 Leave for Games with Bible Study group tonight.
10:05 Go to pick up Natalie, again, I haven't seen her since this morning.
11:00 Home
11:15 Start typing this craziness out.
11:24 Wondering why I chose these two days this week.
11:25 Because they were the least busy of the last five.
1 comment:
in the midst of your humor i sense your same frustrations i have being a full-time slave, i mean worker, and 20 minute a day mother - let's just be poor, use medicaid and eat pork and beans the rest of our lives.
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