Micah 6:6-8

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOD is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously."

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Many of you know Mamaw. She is my wonderful Grandmother who is among the most faithful of God's children on this earth. She is a prayer warrior who has loved me since forever. She is eighty four and had a bad fall almost two weeks ago. Nothing broken, but at eighty four it takes a while to recover from a good jarring of bones.

I was struck by the irony of bodies young and old tonight while watching Micah. I was giving him a bath and constantly telling him to sit back down. He loves to stand in the tub. When I tell him to sit down, he just plops right back down on his bottom and jumps to do it again. I thought about how he doesn't even seem to notice the impact on his little body. He is young and resiliant and designed to fall these days. When we get older, our bodies just aren't as ready to take a fall. I certainly do not like to think of Mamaw as older. Rationally, I know she is eighty four. In my heart, she's in her sixties.

All week, I have been praying for Mamaw to recover more quickly then she can imagine. I've been praying for her pain to ease and for her to get back home soon. She and Papaw have a sixty fifth wedding anniversary to celebrate on September 1st.

But tonight, in a God ordained moment, I have some extra words of prayer as well. While I was cleaning today, God carefully placed in my hands a card that Mamaw mailed me over three years ago. This is what she wrote:

"Dear Allison, Chris, and Natalie,
May God bless you with Everything that is good and wonderful, with daily strength and everlasting joys. And may He keep you safe and protect you. May He always smile upon you, and may His presence be your daily reward."

Tonight, Mamaw, I'm praying these words for you.
And I'm wondering for those of you reading this, if you'll say these words for Mamaw too?

I love you so very much! Thanks for being you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your Mamaw was a precious, godly woman and loved by all who knew her.