Micah 6:6-8

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOD is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously."

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Jacksonville Bound

Natalie in her high chair enjoying lunch.
Natalie standing up to show off her pretty dress. Take note of her yellow nose, from eating too many carrots. She loves her orange veggies. It's been peas and spinach this week for this girl.
Have I mentioned that she is a true Daddy's girl?
She loves to "zerbert" Daddy's belly.
Standing all by herself, Daddy isn't helping her at all.

Well, most of you know, some of you don't, probably more of you know then we realize, but in case you don't...we are moving to Jacksonville. I am excited, scared, sad, happy, ready and not all wrapped into one. If I could pack up the people here and take them with us, it would be perfect. The Church there seems amazing and we are excited to minister with them. Please pray for us as we transition and prepare to move. We are going house hunting in late March and are very nervous about this. We bought the Home Buying for Dummies book so we could learn something. :) I don't have much time to type more, but I'll keep you updated.

Here are a bunch of recent pictures of Natalie. She started crawling last night and each time gets better and better. She can pull herself up to stand and can stand without help for about 10 seconds. She is growing so very fast. Enjoy the pictures. We love you all!


Anonymous said...

Great news about Jacksonville.
Natalie is a doll. Give her a big hug for me.
Aunt Martha

megan said...

oh, allison.

the friend in me who loves you and wants what's best for you and your family is so excited about your move. She is also committed to praying for you and for those lucky people who will get to enjoy you every day.

the part of me who delights in my OWN selfish guilty pleasures, is so very sad that we wont be neighbors afterall. However, somewhat pleasing to this same part of me is that Jacksonville is a bit more...shall we say, alluring, than other places one could live. :)
Get ready for visitors!

love you so much. megs

Allison said...

Thanks Aunt Martha! We are happy to give her a hug for you. Have a great week!

We would love to have visitors! We are moving sometime in May, so if you want to come to the beach this summer, Natalie would love to experience the ocean with you. I'll talk with you soon with more details.
Love you too!