Micah 6:6-8

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOD is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously."

Friday, January 12, 2007

I'm officially a mom...

I decided yesterday that I'm officially in the mom club. Now, you might be thinking, "surely she has known this before yesterday". And on some level you'd be right. The labor, the sleepless nights, the endless diapers, the constant second guessing were all clues. But, yesterday, ahhh, yesterday, it all became real. Natalie and I had a great day. She had eaten well and napped well. She had apple juice for the very first time from a sippy cup. She didn't drink much, but it was fun. Then she woke up from her afternoon nap. (The following is not for those of you with a weak stomach.) I noticed she had spit up more sweet potatoes then usual. I cleaned her up, cleaned up her crib and walked into the living room with her. Then she threw up. It would have projected across the room, but I was in front of her. I felt it ooze through my shirt and run into my bra. Nice. I quickly got her over a blanket. She just kept throwing up. Now I was scared. When she finally stopped I was amazed that so much could come from such a small body. And she cried. I stripped us down and held her. Then we had round two. Not much was left for this time around. I called Chris and told him he needed to come home. He did. He found us in the floor over a towel. He cleaned up the carpet, while I cleaned up us. She started again and I called the doctor. When the nurse called us back she told us it may be the stomach flu and to give her Pedalyte. Chris purchased some. By this point, she was dragging. The vomitting had stopped, but she was clingy and clearly didn't feel good. We coaxed her into drinking some. It was amazing. She drank about an ounce and after a few minutes was smiling again. She was fine for the rest of the evening. We decided her body just didn't like the apple juice. I've had several mom's today tell me that juice is sometimes hard on kids. Why don't I know these things ahead of time. :) So we started bedtime last night still concerned about dehydration as she hadn't peed since she threw up. I carried her quickly to the bath after taking off her diaper. Then I felt it. She wasn't dehydrated. She had saved it all for me. My shirt and pants were soaked. She was happy. I had been puked on and peed on all in one day. Now, I'm in the club. Now I'm a mom.


"Cousin" Susie said...
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Allison said...

Thanks Susie! Sorry I took your comment off, please keep commenting, I'm still learning all of this... We definetly appreciate your prayers. And I will give Natalie a hug from you, she is feeling much better now. Have a great week!